Drip by drip, day by day, radiate your warmth to melt a child’s ice away!

Elements is a child -centred, Social & Emotional Mental Health Support Service. Our purpose is to help children and young people effectively connect across the four elements of wellbeing: Physical, Environmental, Social and Mental.

We provide bespoke support programmes for children and young people who may be struggling to regulate their emotions. We offer 1-1 or group support within a safe, non-judgemental environment for a set period of time. Valuable strategies are provided to parents and teachers so they can better communicate with the child or young person.


Elements use a holistic approach to supporting children and young people. Our programme begins by assessing the four “elements” of well-being: physical health, mental health, social skills and environmental health. We can then develop a bespoke programme, designed to help them overcome any emotional difficulties that they may be experiencing via therapy, mentoring and engagement. There are huge benefits for children receiving elements SEMH support, and we invite you to visit our support services pages to find out more.

Physical Health

  • Sleep
  • Diet / Nutrition
  • Water Intake
  • Excercise
  • Health Appointments
  • One Body

Environmental Health

  • My Home Life
  • My School / Work Life
  • The Community / Village
  • My Safe Place
  • My Place of Rest
  • The Comfort Zone

Social Health

  • Friendships
  • Family Relations
  • How I communicate
  • Listening Skills
  • How I Relate to Others
  • Me on Social Media

Mental Health

  • Who do I off-load to?
  • My Thought Bubbles
  • Limiting Belief About Self
  • Self Talk
  • Being In My Head
  • How I release the Energy

Our Core Values

Life is part negative, part positive, we have good days, and we have bad days.

What we know about life is, nothing is ever perfect, there will always be setbacks, challenges, and adversity.

The idea is not to wish for these things to be non-existent, the idea is to embrace the imperfections life has to offer and learn to be grateful for the good days when they arrive.

The glue that forms connection, the wires of compassion and understanding is empathy.

Imagine your head on my shoulders, imagine walking a mile in my shoes and imagine seeing the world through my lens, this is empathy. Empathy is not having the right answers to a child’s problems. Empathy is about being silent in your mind and allowing yourself to connect with the child in a non-judgmental way. If a child can sense you care about them, they may in turn feel valued and begin to care more about themselves.

Any outcomes that we wish to achieve for any child or young person will require a good amount of patience. “Patience is the respect of time irrespective of expectation”.

Yes, we may wish for a child’s behaviour to change for the better but there are certain laws that must be abided by first and patience is number one.

Building a firm trustworthy mutual relationship takes time and so this process should not be rushed into.

We must do what we can with what we have and trust the process of connection, only then can we begin to create change or positive outcomes.

Some will see the cup as half empty, and some will see it as half full.

Some will see the rain and complain while others will see the rain and rejoice.

Optimism is the life line of ANY positive outcome no matter how small it maybe.

Pessimism is the plug that stops optimism from free flowing, and so we must all choose which one when supporting our children and young people.

Elements calls it “Optimistic Energy”, if we fill our own elements up and ensure we ourselves are well looked after. Then we can build optimistic energy and use it to radiate warmth which will hopefully melt some ice.

Some believe you need to see it to believe it however, we at Elements think you need to believe it to see it.

Vision is entwined with Optimism. Seeing how things can improve for a child’s circumstances, looking past their behaviours and adversity whilst holding a vision of prosperity and hope in your mind.

The vision you possess in your mind for a child or young person will act as a mental compass as we move forwards and progress on to the next stage.

Elements believes creativity is the birthplace of true expression.

Part of the reason some children will struggle in a school environment is because the curriculum is not entirely designed to meet the child’s creative needs. Therefore, some children will excel in subjects such as Drama, Art or Sports, then fall behind in Maths, English and Science. Elements uses multiple tools and exercises to spark the creative impulses of the child.

The very basis of Elements existence is predicated on Steven’s ability to be creative and push the boundaries.

The Why is clear:

Steven wants Elements Support to give children / young people, everything he was lacking as a child. Formulated through the 4 elements of well-being: physical health, mental health, social skills and environmental health.


Founder of Elements Support

#dripbydrip #daybyday #neverperfect #andthatsok

“Empathy is about connection; sympathy is about separation.”

“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”

It’s important the child/young person to feel at ease, to do this we engage in ice breaker exercises to establish some rapport. Understanding the child’s perspective on why they are here and what they themselves would like to focus on is always a great place to start.

The Elements Team

The Elements Team

It’s so important to have the “Right” Team of people to create and nurture connections. Our Elements Team consists of founder Steven Russell and a small team of skilled “Elementors”. Find out more about Steven below. Or click HERE to read more about his story and how he turned his pain to purpose.

Steven Russell

Founder of Elements SEMH Support

Steven Russell, is the founder of Elements SEMH Support.

As a child, he lived with 9 foster families, was placed into two children’s homes and attended 5 schools. With this in mind, he decided to turn his “Pain to Purpose” by creating Elements.

As a child, growing up in the care system, Steven has become an effective communicator with children living in care.

His authentic style enables him to build rapport with children and young people immediately.

Combining the elements of his professional and personal experiences to create “Elements SEMH Support” Steven been able to inspire hundreds of children to become more optimistic about their lives, despite their circumstances of being a child in care.

Steven Russell

Founder of Elements SEMH Support

Hello everyone, my name is Lorren, and this is my Elementor profile page.

My passion in life is Sport, Young people, and Life coaching.

I want children & young people to feel safe, seen, heard, valued and most importantly, worthy of connection. I know I have it within me to help them feel this through my passion and creativity.

When I finished University, I went to support children and young people in residential care, I did this for a few years before I went to do football coaching in America for 8 months in New Jersey, this was an amazing experience.

Since coming back to the UK in 2018, I have been supporting young people in a pupil referral unit where I have set up a life coaching system in the school.

Now it is time for a new journey with Element’s support where I can utilise my passion for sport and young people to its maximum effect. I strongly believe sport and coaching allow children and young people to express themselves far better than talking alone, and so I want to help create a safe space for them to express themselves freely, without judgement.


You can be totally safe in the knowledge that all Elements Support staff are fully DBS accredited. Click the link below.

DBS Check Online Certified

Our Partners

Our Partners

Elements are very proud to be associated with the following companies and organisations.  Please click on the logos to visit their websites.

Connect with us today

Please complete the contact form below to find out about a service that we can provide. Or if you prefer make a general enquiry.

Client Feedback

Client Feedback

Elements Support has received widespread praise from industry professionals including “Daniel Sobel”; an internationally respected leader in inclusive education, who has advised the DfE, the EU and governments abroad and the founder of Inclusion Expert and Daniel Croft; CEO of Foster Talk UK and industry professional with over 20 years of experience.

Below you can find a selection of the positive feedback that we’ve received from children / young people, organisations and industry professionals who have worked exclusively with Elements SEMH and Steven Russell.

If you are a Pastoral, Inclusion Lead or SLT, and you are looking for bespoke, highly effective SEMH support for your students, then I highly recommend Steven Russell. The Elements programme is tailor-made to meet your needs and it works and is backed up by testimony from many school leaders. Before you struggle-on or worry about a potential exclusion, call Steven and try out his service.

There’s a lot that I could say about Steven but I think that most people immediately get that he is genuine, real and highly experienced drawing from his own life story. He is a powerful, innovative and important voice working with children with SEMH challenges.

Elements provides a uniquely authentic child centred approach and through its bespoke support programme it not only excellently connects the four elements of the wellbeing framework but also focuses on providing a safe, non-judgemental environment in which a child can flourish at a fundamental level.

In over 20 years within social care, I have never even witnessed a bespoke programme that comes close to Elements, it’s rewards will live with children well into adulthood and filter down into generations to come.

It’s impossible to teach authenticity and passion, Steven manages to use his experience to bring an unparalleled level of passion to his work, added to his genuine authenticity and desire to learn and grow with these children, he’s an unbelievable resource to any educational environment.

Daniel Croft , CEO at Foster Talk UK

I have worked alongside Steven (Russell) when he has been chairing meetings as part of his role as family support worker for M.

He has the ability to build a relationship both with the young person and their parent/carer to help support them through their difficulties offering strategies and guidance in an empathic, non judgmental manner.

We have also worked within the same schools in their Multi Agency Centers (MAC).  I have seen students who have worked with Steven as their family support worker and they all really valued the work he did with them.

He is a very positive, caring person who is passionate about the wellbeing of young people, wanting them to become the best they can.

Sarah Heward, Choices CIC

I have known Steven for over ten years, initially in the capacity of his line manager to present day valued friend. Steven has overcome his own adversities growing up in the care system to turn full circle now supporting children and families with their own journeys.

Steven began his career in the residential sector where his enthusiasm, passion and creativity quickly became apparent. Combining these raw elements with training and knowledge Steven progressed to Senior Residential Support Worker before eventually attaining a Deputy Manager role. Eager to progress and expand his range of skills Steven moved to an educational and family support setting incorporating a person-centered counselling role.

I have no doubt that Steven possesses the attributes to make a positive impact on the people that he works with. His infectious personality and empathy helps children to naturally bond, trust and importantly feel safe allowing crucial work to be accomplished.

I would recommend Steven Russell without reservation to any school or setting seeking to support students facing issues – from attendance through to drug/alcohol through to family breakdown and neglect and abuse, and everything in between.

Steven combines empathy with integrity and is always willing to go the extra mile to help children and to help us as fellow professionals. Thus, he has become fully part of our community, as he is sensitive to our pressures, not just those of students.

His skill comes from his natural ability to build relationships with young people, and his highly-skilled listening.  Children trust him and will engage with him because they recognise someone who genuinely cares, and a man who will not let them down.  However, this does not mean that he will not challenge them to change and improve, and to become responsible for their own lives and future.

Clarissa Norrington-Owens, The Rawlett School

Steven has worked with a number of our families and individual children through his family support programme and therapeutic work.

By the end of the programmes there has been a noticeable improvement in children’s mental health and ability to access lessons.

The children he has worked with look forward to his visits and they quickly build up trust with Steven. 

I would highly recommend any school to use funding to support their Looked after Children as well as those who are struggling within attachment, anxiety or low self-esteem. Although outcomes of emotional health are hard to measure the impact of his work on children’s ability to access learning and attend lessons has been phenomenal.

Parents have also commented on how supportive his work has been for the parents and children.